State of Colorado Commemorates the 33rd Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

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ADA Americans with Disabilities Act Images of sign language, vision, brail, walker, wheelchair and more

By Kevin McDaniel (Equity Manager, Statewide Accessibility)

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) represents a milestone in the disability rights movement. Signed into law in 1990 by President Bush, this bipartisan legislation removed barriers to accessing public spaces, participating in the public process, employment opportunities, and more. Most importantly, the ADA affirms the inherent worth and dignity of all Americans, regardless of their ability status. 

The ADA was modeled after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The ADA represents landmark legislation that all Coloradans can be proud of and has become a catalyst for positive change across the State. 

Coloradans know that it is not our challenges that define us, but rather how we rise above them. While we’ve seen so much progress since 1990, our work is far from over. 

Coloradans with disabilities continue to face barriers to access that members outside of this community do not face. The State of Colorado’s Statewide Equity Office affirms its commitment to the rights of our neighbors, regardless of their disability or other protected status. In observation of the 33rd anniversary of the ADA, we recommit our efforts to reach full ADA compliance. 

Please join us in celebrating the great strides the State of Colorado has made and join us in our work to ensure all Coloradans have equitable and inclusive access to the State’s many programs, services, and activities!

Learn more about what the ADA does and how it relates to the workplace.