DPA Accessibility Support

The Department of Personnel & Administration (DPA) is committed to providing inclusive and equitable information, services, and programs to all individuals regardless of disability or difference in accordance with: 

  • The Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.)
  • Colorado Revised Statutes addressing Colorado Laws For Persons With Disabilities (C.R.S.24-85-101 et seq.) 
  • Colorado Accessibility Rules (8 CCR 1501-11)
  • Other Federal and State laws, regulations, and rules as applicable 

On This Page

Website Accessibility

DPA’s Commitment

We engage in continuous efforts to ensure that our websites meet or exceed Levels A and AA success criteria in the most recent official version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Our efforts are informed by:

State of Colorado Accessibility Statement

The State of Colorado is committed to providing equitable access to our services to all Coloradans. Our ongoing accessibility effort works towards being in line with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.2, levels A and AA criteria. These guidelines not only help make web content accessible to people with sensory, cognitive, and mobility disabilities but ultimately to all people, regardless of ability.

How We Test Our Websites

DPA relies on both automated and manual accessibility and quality testing processes. Automated tests are validated and addressed by staff who engage in more thorough evaluations. Examples of resources and processes that we use to help us identify and resolve potential accessibility and quality issues include:

  • Automated evaluation with Siteimprove
  • Automated and on-demand evaluation with Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool (WAVE) by WebAIM
  • On-demand evaluation using ANDI by the Accessible Solutions Branch of the Social Security Administration
  • Human-led content reviews
  • Human-led testing with screen readers
  • Human-led testing with visual difference emulators

Give Website Feedback or Report an Issue

If there are things that could improve your experience on our website, we would love to hear your ideas. Please reach out to us through one of the following options:

Accessibility Resources

  • The Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind (CCDHHDB) - Programs and services for Coloradans: The CCDHHDB provides programs and services for accessibility, communication, technology, and education. Explore the CCDHHDB website for information about their services, provider directories, and much more.
  • Aira (24/7) - Live on-demand visual interpretation through a smartphone application: As part of its drive to create a Colorado for All, the State of Colorado is partnering with Aira to connect those who are blind or have low vision with highly trained visual interpreters to remove barriers when navigating state-operated buildings and digital services for free for up to 30 minutes per session. Learn how to get started by visiting the Aira Guide from the Governor’s Office of Information Technology.
  • Relay Colorado (24/7) - Live relay services: Relay Colorado is a statewide service that connects standard (voice) telephone users with Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind, Speech-Disabled, or Late-Deafened people who use Teletypewriter (TTYs) or Voice Carry-Over (VCO) phones.
    • Website: https://www.relaycolorado.com/
    • Telephone Numbers:
      • TTY:​ 711 or 800-659-2656
      • Voice: 711 or 800-659-3656
      • Voice Carry-Over: 711 or 877-659-8260
      • Hearing Carry-Over: ​711 or 800-659-2656
      • Speech-to-Speech: ​711 or 877-659-4279
      • Telebraille:​ 711 or 800-659-2656
      • Spanish Relay:​ 711 or 800-337-3242
      • Spanish Translation:​ 711 or 844-409-2451
      • ASCII:​ 711 or 800-659-4656

Resources for State Entities