Divisions & Offices

Provided below are divisions under the authority of the Department of Personnel & Administration (DPA).

Division of Human Resources

The Division of Human Resources (DHR) provides decentralized human resources for the state government. DHR oversees all state agency human resources functions and total compensation. This includes maintaining the statewide employment, job evaluation and pay systems. Additionally, DHR manages the benefits system, which includes health, life, disability, dental, and vision for all eligible employees.

Division of Capital Assets 

The Division of Capital Assets (DCA) provides leased building space, facility management, building security and identification programs, employee parking, ceremonial flag requests and special event permits for the public, vehicle call center, short-term vehicle rentals (Motor Pool), and vehicle acquisition and lifecycle management.

Office of the State Architect

The Office of the State Architect (OSA) is responsible for the following services at state agencies and institutions of higher education:

  • state funded planning
  • construction
  • energy conservation and real estate transactions 

Responsibilities include: 

  • Policies and procedures
  • Technical support and training
  • Recommending the annual controlled maintenance statewide budget and state agency capital construction budget requests 

Division of Central Services

The Division of Central Services (DCS) provides many services. Services include:

Office of the State Controller

Visit the Office of the State Controller (OSC) for financial reports, central payroll, fiscal rules & procedures, and more.

Office of Administrative Courts

The Office of Administrative Courts (OAC) is Colorado's centralized administrative court system. 

Office of Sustainability

The Office of Sustainability works across Colorado State Government to advise and support State capital planning, procurement, and operations to achieve the State’s greening government efforts and goals. 

P3 Office

The Public-Private Partnership (P3) Collaboration Unit was created in 2022 to govern the use of P3 projects for the State of Colorado.

Executive Director's Office

The Executive Director's Office for DPA is made up of 5 internal units: 

  • Accounting
  • Budget Policy & Analysis
  • Contracts & Procurement
  • Communications
  • Human Resources